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資生堂のプレステージブランド「クレ・ド・ポー ボーテ(CLE DE PEAU BEAUTE以下、CPB)」は2020年2月21日、ブランドを代表するクリーム「ラ・クレーム」(6万円)をリニューアルする。
Shiseido's luxury brand, “Clé de Peau Beauté”, will renew the brand's leading cream, “La Crème” (60,000 yen), on February 21st, 2020.
By improving upon their most popular items with the highest rate of repeat purchases, they are aiming to attract a wider range of new customers.
Their unique formula includes a Skin-Empowering Illuminator, which enhances the skin’s ability to regenerate, as well as CeraFerment (for moisture retention), blended with extracts from hundreds of different yeasts.
1982年の誕生(初代の製品名は「クレ・ド・ポー クリーム」)から7回のリニューアルを重ね、今回登場する「ラ・クレーム」は16年から4年ぶりの刷新。
Though this product has been renewed seven times since its initial launch in 1982 (initially called “Clé de Peau cream”), this new edition of “La Crème” will be the first update in 4 years, the last of which came in 2016.